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Sadhguru App

Start your self transformation journey

Journey mapping
Product Design
UI Design
Information Architecture

Wait...Why a revamp?

The previous version of the app had several issues, such as being scattered in its direction, lacking customisation to suit individual needs, visual clutter, poor navigation, little to no content focus, and overwhelming use of colour, with no clear call to action.

Envision a realm where everyone understands that their existence is crafted by their own hands. However, since each individual arrives with unique requirements and dwells in diverse phases of life, they require a customized approach that fits them perfectly. If only we could harness an application to chart these approaches to the right person.

Guidance & tools to transform your life

Rich Collection of Chants

Sadhguru's wisdom curated for you

Establish your daily practice with reminders

A powerful course that lets you transcend suffering

A unique video platform exploring spirituality


Harpreet and his team were great to work with! They delivered quality work every step of the way.

During our interviews, we found that people often blame external factors for their misery without realizing that the solution lies within themselves, as they are unaware of the root cause of their suffering.

How do I learn a language?

What causes people's suffering?

The Sadhguru app offers insights on various aspects of life, catering to individual problems based on age and lifestyle, and helps users understand their core issues while providing corresponding solutions; upcoming enhancements to the app's wisdom, yoga section, and homepage aim to improve engagement and retention, while features such as Mandala and reminder aid in tracking progress towards goals.

What does it mean to speak “fluently”?

How does the app helps solve that?

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